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3 out of 5 stars

A rambunctious adaptation of the bestselling series of spooky books for kids

Tom Huddleston

Time Out says

Taking the ‘Cabin in the Woods’ approach of chucking in all the monsters and seeing what sticks, this kid-friendly spooker based on the crazy-huge-selling stories by RL Stine is more goofy fun than such a blatant cash-in ought to be. It all begins in textbook ’80s-adventure fashion, with a single-parent family – mum Gale (Amy Ryan) and teenage son Zach (Dylan Minnette) – pitching up in a sleepy small town only to discover that their neighbour is a creepy weirdo who keeps his daughter on a short leash. It’s not long before said weirdo is revealed to be retired writer Stine (Jack Black), whose spine-chilling creations have a habit of jumping off the page and wreaking havoc in the real world.

For the first hour, ‘Goosebumps’ throws in so many sparky one-liners and pell-mell action set pieces that its shortcomings – creaky plot, Black’s out-there accent, a pair of slightly dull leads – are easy to overlook. It all spins out of control in a final blowout of naff special effects and random shouting, but there’s just enough leftover goodwill to carry it through.

Release Details

  • Release date:Friday 5 February 2016
  • Duration:103 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Rob Letterman
  • Screenwriter:Scott Alexander
  • Cast:
    • Odeya Rush
    • Jack Black
    • Halston Sage
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