There is no greater movie dopehead than Jeff Bridges’ Jeff ‘the Dude’ Lebowski. (Tommy Chong isn’t exactly a cinematic creation, after all.) A slacker philosopher wrapped in a bathrobe and flip flops, Bridges seems to float through the film, unshaken by the criminals, nihilists and scummy tycoons who stumble into his life – about the only thing that can rattle his chill is the Eagles. Coming from the Coen brothers, the whole affair is a bit more mystical and highfalutin than the average stoner comedy, but The Big Lebowski transcends them all. Most weed movies are about weed. The Big Lebowski is weed.
Sure, you’ve watched movies before. But have you ever watched a movie… on weed? Okay, you’ve probably done that, too. Honestly, if you partake in the devil’s lettuce at all, plopping down in front of the television with a bottomless bag of M&Ms and a side of gummy worms is basically the main leisure activity.
As longtime puffers will tell you, though, not every movie is made to be watched high. Picking the right film for a stoned night in is a precarious science. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a stoner comedy, or even necessarily a so-called ‘dumb comedy’. But if you’re looking to giggle, you probably don’t want to have to think too much about a joke. And if you’re in the mood to simply trip out on some wild imagery, you don’t want to go down a hole of darkness. These 21 films, however, will hit the sweet spot…for as long as you manage to stay awake, anyway.
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👽 The 100 best sci-fi movies of all-time
🍻 The 20 perfect movies to watch when you’re hungover